Rescue Dogs for Adoption

Hello. My name is Tam. I live in Orange County, and I rescue dogs. This is my blog on my rescue dogs. They are looking for new homes. If you know anybody who is looking for a dog, please let them know about my blog. You can e-mail my posts to your friends by clicking an e-mail icon below each post. Please spread the word about rescued animals. Pets are always available for adoption at local animal shelters, too. Please always think about adopting first when you look for a pet.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dog Whisperer

I am reading Cesar Millan's book "Be The Pack Leader" and watching the first season of his TV show "Dog Whisperer".
How inspiring!

I can't even begin to tell you.
His methods sound very different than traditional dog training rules, yet make so much sense!
What an eye opener. I am looking at my dogs in a completely different way than before, and practicing Cesar's methods with them. My dogs are behaving better than ever.
It's about how "I" changed mostly what's making a difference, not the dogs, that's the interesting fact. The dogs are only responding to my more harmonious ways! Amazing.

I strongly recommend his books and DVDs to all dog owners out there, especially if their dogs seem to be having issues.
Things can improve quickly and easily by simply walking the dog everyday.
I can't agree with him more. Walking your dogs daily can benefit both you and your dogs tremendously.
That's the exercising, socializing and refreshing process dogs need, and more than anything the "bonding with the owners" quality time in its true meaning.

I walk my dogs everyday. For a little over 1 hour each time.
We get tired after our walk. We pass out on the grass and rest for 15-20 mins.

You won't believe how refreshed I feel after this session. Your body is exhausted so you can sleep very well at night - which is very beneficial, right?
Now the dogs seem very content and seem to want to listen to me.

You walk with your dog every day and you'll become fit and healthy too!
And all these great things for free!

Oh, and one more thing - Nothing is more rewarding than seeing your dog's happy'n sleepy face...

Millaii is still sleepy....

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